National Orthopaedic Registry of Malaysia (NORM) is a web based disease clinical database, designed as a prospective, ongoing systematic collection of data pertaining to specific orthopaedic diseases, such as hip fracture and diabetic foot/hand. In the first phase, it has the following database :
1. Diabetic Foot / Hand Registry  

2. Hip Fracture Registry


NORM is intended to reflect orthopaedic services within the public sector. It therefore will seek participation from all providers of orthopaedic services in the public sector throughout the country. In future, it hopes to also gather information from private eye care providers.



Ideally all doctors in this country who have anything to do with Orthopaedic Disease ought to participate in the NORM. All that is required of you is to report Orthopaedic Disease data to the NORM, and this is simple (see below). We urge you to do your bit for your community, and help NORM obtain the information so crucial to Orthpaedic disease prevention and control.     


Click here to find out all the benefits of being a participant of the NORM  

Register online to be a participant of the NORM

Contact Us

National Orthopaedic Registry of Malaysia (NORM)
1st Floor, MMA House
124, Jalan Pahang
50286 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03 - 4044 3060 / 4044 3070

Fax: 03 - 4044 0613